Bee Removal – No Chemicals – No Kill – Live Bee Removal and Relocation

Bee Removal Phoenix | Save the Bees

In Arizona, as well as many other southern states, bees have gotten a bad reputation because of the Africanized bee (aka the “killer bee”).  There has been a lot of negative publicity and people have become very fearful of bees. While they are dangerous, and are to be respected, they are still wonderful creatures.

Many times people ask me if all bees are Africanized and my response is there is really no way to tell except through a lab test.  After working with millions of bees throughout the years I can definitely tell the difference between hives.  Some are much more aggressive than others.  But some are very docile in comparison.  You don’t even need a bee suit to handle them.

For unknown reasons, either pesticides in the environment, or ignorant beekeepers who feed their bees sugar or corn syrup (which we never have to feed our bees!  They eat the honey in their hives and we make sure to always leave them plenty as that is their food), whatever the reason, there has been a mass decline in bees.

There are many ways you can conserve and help the bees.  The best way is to share this site with friends and family to educate them on the bees.  And also let them know extermination is not the only way.  Using Abello Bees to save and relocate the bees not only helps them but helps you because no toxic chemicals are used that affect you and your family and the environment.

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