Bee Removal – No Chemicals – No Kill – Live Bee Removal and Relocation

Local Raw Honey For Sale

Back by popular demand

If you would like to purchase we have added a buy now link below.

Right now we have honey that has been taken from local desert forage in Maricopa County.  All the flora and fauna that naturally lives in the desert composes our complex desert honey.  We don’t practice the harmful mono-cropping that most honey producers practice which is how they get the various flavors (i.e. alfalfa honey, citrus honey, almond honey, etc).  It is healthiest for bees to forage on multiple trees and flowers (just like you wouldn’t want to only eat almonds for every meal of your life).

Free wooden honey dipper with every order

You can also trust that we have bees completely free from pesticides, GMOs, and antibiotics.  Our bees live in rural Arizona, near no farm or agricultural fields.

We also never feed our bees sugar water, like most beekeepers do.  They rob too much honey, and it is cheaper to feed the bees sugar water or corn syrup then the food that is perfectly designed for them–honey!  We make sure our bees always have enough honey for their own food.  Feeding bees sugar water or corn syrup is a horrible practice by old time beekeepers and it is making the bees sick as well as the bees end up mixing it with the honey.  You don’t want that in your honey and neither do we.  Abello Bees Raw honey will always be free of man-made processed sugars and syrups.

Raw Honey Available Now!

Our Honey is 100% raw.  We use no machines to heat the honey to unnatural temperatures.  Honey that is heated is dead honey.  All of the living enzymes in it are killed and it loses many if not all of its healing, medicinal properties.  Choose Raw!

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